Skin Grafting

Healing without surgery
Your path to renewed skin
Skin grafts involve the application of a biological dressing to promote wound healing without the need for traditional surgical procedures.
Frequently asked questions
Do you use my own skin for a graft?
No. The types of skin grafts we utilize are non-surgical. It is simply a biological dressing from an external donor that is placed on the wound bed. It looks similar to a thin paper substance.
Hope, healing, health
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Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
St. George
St. George
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
Idaho Falls
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Idaho Falls
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642