Physical Exams

Stay up to date on your health
Checkups for school, work and more
Whether you need an annual physical or exam for sports, Innovation Medical Group provides comprehensive assessments at their clinics. The primary care specialists perform all types of physical exams, including Department of Transportation (DOT) physicals.
Frequently asked questions
A physical exam is a routine health assessment that evaluates your overall health. These preventive screenings help identify early signs of disease and risk factors that may increase your chances of health complications. Physical exams are safe, noninvasive, low-cost tools that allow the Innovation Medical Group Southwest Territory team to monitor and protect your health.
Physical exams typically consist of two parts:
Medical history review
Reviewing your medical history helps the team pinpoint any risk factors you may have, so they can provide the best care possible. During your medical history review, the team asks detailed questions about your:
- Family health history
- Past and present medications
- New or worsening health concerns
- Past injuries, illnesses, or surgeries
The team also asks questions regarding your diet, activity levels, and certain lifestyle factors, like whether you smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol frequently.
Physical exam
During the physical portion of your exam, the team checks your height and weight and records your vitals. Next, they look inside your ears, nose, and throat before listening to your heart and lungs. The team then palpates your abdomen and tests your flexibility and muscle strength.
If you visit the clinic for a school, sports, or Department of Transportation (DOT) physical, the team may perform additional screenings to assess your health and fitness. Specialized physicals may also require paperwork and other documents to show that you’re healthy enough to participate in school, competitive sports, or drive a commercial vehicle.
The Innovation Medical Group Southwest Territory team recommends visiting for an annual physical at least once a year. Routine physicals allow the team to refer back to your previous results and determine whether you’re experiencing changes in your health.
Schools in Colorado and New Mexico often require physical exams at the beginning of the school year, while you may need clearance before joining a competitive sports team. Commercial truck drivers must undergo DOT physicals at least once every two years.
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Idaho Falls
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Idaho Falls
3360 Washington Parkway Suite 2, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642
745 S Progress Ave Ste 150 Suite 150, Meridian, ID 83642